Scenes From Inside the MRR

Manchester, CT – 11/27/14

The 78th Annual Manchester Road Race was another fun and successful event.  The snow covered trees and cold November air added to the ambiance of this central Connecticut tradition.

The following are photographs from inside the race showing the many colorful characters and long time entertainers along the way of this 4.748 mile long run.  First, however, a brief history and some fun facts:


  • Beginning in 1927, the Manchester Road Race started with just twelve runners.
  • Today, there are more than 15,000 registered runners and walkers.
  • In 1961, the first woman ran the Manchester Road Race.

Fun Facts from this year’s race:

  • Weather: 39 degrees Fahrenheit, Sunny
  • Registered runners: 15,000
  • Runners who officially finished: 12,878
  • Registered walkers: 1100
  • Additional participants: approximately 2500 unregistered runners
  • Spectators: 30,000-35,000
  • Last person crossed the starting line: 10 minutes, 25 seconds

Charities supported by the Manchester Road Race.

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